By-Law Change Meeting

Union leadership has been notified by the UNITE HERE International Union President that the By-Law change recently enacted by Local 2 membership does not conform to the International Union Constitution. Therefore, the proposed By-Law change regarding strikebreakers (scabs) cannot be enacted.

The Union will hold a meeting to discuss this development.

All Local 2 members are welcome to attend this meeting:

Monday, July 12th

4:30 PM

240 Golden Gate Ave. (The Janitors Union Hall, across the street from the Local 2 Office)


UNITE HERE 國際總工會主席已通知二號工會領導層,Local 2 會員最近投票更改二號工會章程不符合國際總工會的章程。 因此,關於罷工破壞者(工賊)的擬議變更無法實施。


歡迎所有Local 2成員參加本次會議:



240 Golden Gate Ave. (The Janitors Union Hall, 2號工會大堂對面)

Reunión de cambio de estatutos (bylaws)

El presidente del Sindicato Internacional UNITE HERE ha notificado a los líderes sindicales que el cambio de estatuto recientemente promulgado por los miembros del Local 2 no se ajusta a la Constitución del Sindicato Internacional.  Por lo tanto, el cambio de estatuto propuesto con respecto a los rompehuelgas (scabs) no se puede promulgar.

La Unión tendrá una reunión para discutir este desarrollo.

Todos los miembros del Local 2 pueden asistir a esta reunión:

Lunes 12 de julio

4:30 PM

240 Golden Gate Ave.

(El Sindicato de Janitors al otro lado de la calle de la oficina del Local 2)

Friday 6/11- Open meeting for all Local 2 Members

All members are invited to attend a Zoom meeting this Friday, June 11, 2021 at 11am.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link.





Todos los miembros están invitados a participar en una reunión de Zoom este viernes 11 de junio de 2021 a las 11 a.m.

Por favor, regístrese a continuación para recibir el enlace Zoom.

FCC launches Emergency Broadband Benefit (internet benefit)

Helping households connect during the pandemic
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched the Emergency Broadband Benefit. This program may help you if you are struggling to afford internet service during the pandemic.

The program provides:

  • Up to a $50/month discount for internet service
  • A one-time $100 discount for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider.

You may be eligible if someone in your household meets one of the following:

  • Has an income that is at or below 135% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines
  • Participates in an assistance programs, such as SNAP, Medicaid, or Lifeline.
  • Approved to receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision in the 2019-2020 or 2020-2021 school year.
  • Received a Federal Pell Grant during the current award year.
  • Experienced a substantial loss of income due to job loss or furlough since February 29, 2020 and the household had a total income in 2020 at or below $99,000 for single filers and $198,000 for joint filers.
  • Meets the eligibility criteria for a participating provider’s existing low-income or COVID-19 program.

To enroll in the program with an internet service provider near you, visit:

To learn more about the program visit or call (833) 511-0311.

Membership meeting Tuesday 6/15

Local 2 will have a membership meeting at 4:30pm on Tuesday, June 15 via Zoom. To attend this meeting, you must be a Member in good standing. If you want to attend, please call your union representative or fill out the form below.


Local 2将于6月15日星期二下午4:30举行会员会议Zoom召開會員會議。要參加此會議,您必須是信譽良好的會員。 請致電您的工會代表,或填寫以下表格。


Local 2 tendrá una reunión de miembros a las 4:30pm el 15 de junio, por Zoom. Para participar en esta reunión debe ser un miembro en buen estado. Si quiere participar, por favor llame su representante ó enregistrarse par el formulario debajo.


New Rent Relief for SF residents staring May 28th

Do you need help paying rent? There are programs available for San Francisco tenants. You can apply online or get help applying from a community organization.

For help with rent between April 2020 and March 2021, apply for State relief at The State’s program provides rent relief and eviction protection resources for tenants, landlords and homeowners.

For help with rent for April 2021 and after, to apply for the City’s program starting May 28, click here . The City’s program provides for rent assistance for up to 3 months of back rent and 3 months of forward rent, for a total of 6 months of rent assistance for residents who have suffered financial hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please visit the San Francisco Rent Assistance website for eligibility criteria, details on updated eviction protections, and information on how to get help from community partner organizations through the Anti-Displacement Coalition.

Thanks to Aaron Peskin’s office, District 3 Board of Supervisor, for this program description.

By-law change adopted

In the all-day election on May 19th, the proposed By-Law change was adopted.  The proposal passed with 75% of the vote  —   215 YES,  72 NO.

The By-Law mandates a strict timeline for filing charges against members for strikebreaking.

Thank you to everyone who came out to vote.  Your active participation is what makes our Union strong.


在5月19日的全天选中,提议的章程变更获得过。该提案以75%的票数获得通过— 215是,72否。




En la elección del 19 de mayo, se adoptó el cambio de estatuto propuesto. La propuesta fue aprobada con 75% de los votos — 215 SÍ, 72 NO.

El cambio de estatuto exige tiempos límites estrictos para presentar cargos contra miembros que rompen la huelga.

Gracias a todos los que vinieron a votar. Su participación activa es lo que fortalece a nuestra Unión.

Membership meeting Tuesday 5/18

Local 2 will have a membership meeting at 4:30pm on Tuesday, May 18 via Zoom. To attend this meeting, you must be a Member in good standing. If you want to attend, please call your union representative or fill out the form below.


Local 2将于5月18日星期二下午4:30举行会员会议Zoom召開會員會議。要參加此會議,您必須是信譽良好的會員。 請致電您的工會代表,或填寫以下表格。


Local 2 tendrá una reunión de miembros a las 4:30pm el 18 de mayo, por Zoom. Para participar en esta reunión debe ser un miembro en buen estado. Si quiere participar, por favor llame su representante ó enregistrarse par el formulario debajo.


Local 2 Election Results 二號工會選舉結果 Resultados de la Elección del Local 2

The Chairperson of the Local 2 Election Committee, Kim Wirshing, has certified the results of the Local 2 election.

At the Union Nominating Meeting held at 3 PM on April 20th, the Election Committee took nominations for all Local 2 elected offices: President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Executive Board, and Trustees.  There was only one person nominated for election for each of the respective positions.

Therefore, by acclamation, Local 2’s elected officers for the next 3 years are:

二號工會選舉委員會主席Kim Wirshing,已認證二號工會選舉的結果。



El Presidente del Comité de Elecciones del Local 2, Kim Wirshing, ha certificado los resultados de la elección del Local 2.

En la Reunión de Nominaciones de la Unión que se llevó a cabo a las 3 PM del día 20 de abril, el Comité de Elecciones aceptó las nominaciones de candidatos para todos los cargos electos del Local 2: Presidente, Vicepresidente, Secretario-Tesorero, Mesa Directiva, y Fideicomisarios.  Se nominó un solo candidato para cada cargo respectivo.

Por consiguiente, los oficiales electos por aclamación por los próximos 3 años son:

President   主席  Presidente:  Anand Singh

Vice-President   副主席   Vicepresidente: Luis (Chito) Cuellar

Secretary-Treasurer   秘書-財政     Secretaria-Tesorera:  Tina Chen

Executive Board     常務委員會    Mesa Directiva:

  1. Fabiola Benavides (Park Central Hotel)
  2. Liana Chen (St. Regis Hotel)
  3. Patrick Cirby (Westin St. Francis)
  4. Elena Duran (Palace Hotel)
  5. John Elrod (W Hotel)
  6. Bill Fung (Hilton Hotel Union Square)
  7. Josephine Garcia (Four Seasons Hotel)
  8. Jesse Johnson (SFO SSP)
  9. Marie Nazaire (Pickwick Hotel)
  10. Priscilla Paras-Huerta (SFO FLIK)

Trustees  董事  Fideicomisarios:

  1. Francis Kelly (Hiring Hall)
  2. Rosa Sia (Hyatt Regency SF)
  3. Vera Travis (Marriott Marquis)

In accordance with the above:

 The Local 2 Election scheduled for Wednesday, May 12th will not be held.


La Elección del Local 2 del miércoles, 12 de mayo no se llevará a cabo.


Again  —  NO All-Day Election  —  on May 12th.  再次──在5月12日──將無全天的選舉。 Una vez más  —  NO Habrá Elección de Todo el Día —  el 12 de mayo.



Congratulations to the newly elected officers.  Thank you to everyone for your dedication and vigilance in keeping our Union strong.  Let us all support the work of our Union building back stronger in 2021. 恭喜新當選的幹事。感謝大家的奉獻和警覺,保持我們工會的強大。讓我們所有人支持工會在2021年建立更強力量的工作。 Felicidades a los oficiales recién elegidos. Les agradecemos a todxs su dedicación y vigilancia por mantener las fuerzas de nuestra Unión.  Apoyemos todxs en la reconstrucción más fuerte de nuestra Unión en 2021.


Our Union Makes Us Strong!    我們的工會使我們強大!¡Nuestra Unión Hace La Fuerza!



Friday 5/14- Open meeting for all Local 2 Members

All members are invited to attend a Zoom meeting this Friday, May 14, 2021 at 12pm.

Please register below to receive the Zoom link.





Todos los miembros están invitados a participar en una reunión de Zoom este viernes 14 de mayo de 2021 a las 12 p.m.

Por favor, regístrese a continuación para recibir el enlace Zoom.


Join Local 2 at Saturday’s May Day Parade & Rally

Join Local 2 and hundreds of other union siblings this Saturday May 1 for the May Day Parade & Rally for Workers’ Rights & Racial Justice.

Meet at 10a at the Embarcadero- we’ll parade down Market St to SF City Hall. We hope to see you there! Click on the flyer below for more details.

International Workers Day- Parade and Rally in SF this Saturday May 1st