FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, November 13, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] Workers at Chinese State-Owned Hotel in San Francisco Strike After Outsourced Employee Meals Make Workers Sick BEI Hotel Workers Launch Unfair Labor Practice Strike as APEC Arrives in San Francisco; Union Says Strike Illustrates Dangers of Globalization San Francisco, Calif. — Seventy workers with […]
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-11-13 14:43:562023-11-13 14:43:56BEI Hotel on Strike!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] San Francisco Hotel Workers Vote Overwhelmingly to Strike After Outsourced Cafeteria Food Makes Workers Sick 96.4% Vote Means BEI Hotel Workers Could Launch Unfair Labor Practice Strike San Francisco, Calif. — Workers at the BEI Hotel San Francisco have voted by 96.4% to authorize a strike […]
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-11-07 19:43:072023-11-07 19:43:38BEI Hotel Workers Vote by 96.4% to Authorize Strike After Outsourced Cafeteria Food Makes Workers Sick
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, October 2, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] Golden State Warriors’ Food Service Workers Win $7/Hour Wage Increases, Affordable Health Care, and More “Best Contract in the NBA” for Nearly 650 Chase Center Workers, Union Says San Francisco, California – Food service workers at Chase Center voted by 96.4% to ratify their first union contract on […]
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-10-03 10:00:232023-10-03 10:00:42Warriors’ Concessions Workers Win “Best Union Contract in the NBA”
San Francisco is suing Qwick, a staffing company in restaurants and hotels, for denying workers of minimum wages and other benefits. If you or anyone you know has relevant experiences with Qwick, call the City Attorney at (415) 355-3268 or email [email protected]. Statement from Anand Singh, President of UNITE HERE Local 2: “Hospitality workers perform […]
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-08-31 11:31:522023-08-31 11:31:52Qwick Staffing Company Sued by City of San Francisco
Free one-on-one college counseling and a pathway to game-changing college support for high school juniors. Apply online at before Aug. 31. 免费的1对1大学辅导和一个新规则的大学支持途径。高中11年级学生可在网站上申请。 申请的截止日期为8月31日。 Asesoramiento gratuito y un camino para recibir apoyo que cambiará su experiencia en la universidad. Los estudiantes del tercer año de la high school entregan sus solicitudes en línea en el […]
March with Local 2 in the SF Pride Parade to show that our union will never let hate divide us! Meet at 9:30am on Sunday June 25 at Steuart St. between Mission and Howard. Happy Pride!
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-06-23 11:50:212023-06-23 11:50:31March with Local 2 in SF Pride!
Applications will open soon for the Local 2 Child & Elder Care Plan. Parents may receive financial reimbursement for childcare and youth programs. College-bound teens can receive a coach to assist with college admissions. For those with elderly or disabled relatives, the Plan offers financial reimbursement for caregiving in addition to personalized counseling and referrals […]
NOTICE: Scheduled membership meeting on Wednesday June 14th, 2023 will be at the Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel at 4:30 pm. Location: 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpg00twaechter/wp-content/uploads/local2webbanner1400.jpgtwaechter2023-05-25 13:21:232023-05-25 13:21:44Notice: Membership Meeting on June 14
In observance of Good Friday, Local 2 will be open with reduced hours from 8:30am-12pm on Friday, April 7, 2023. En observancia del Viernes Santo, el Local 2 estará abierto con horario reducido de 8:30 a. m. a 12 p. m. el viernes 7 de abril de 2023. 为纪念耶稣受难日,Local 2 将于 2023 年 4 月 […]
Buy a home with help from the Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP)! You can receive up to $500,000 in down payment assistance toward the purchase of your first market rate home in San Francisco. Buyers must complete homebuyer education (contact and receive a loan pre-approval from a MOHCD-approved lender BEFORE applying. Sign up for a […]
BEI Hotel on Strike!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, November 13, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] Workers at Chinese State-Owned Hotel in San Francisco Strike After Outsourced Employee Meals Make Workers Sick BEI Hotel Workers Launch Unfair Labor Practice Strike as APEC Arrives in San Francisco; Union Says Strike Illustrates Dangers of Globalization San Francisco, Calif. — Seventy workers with […]
BEI Hotel Workers Vote by 96.4% to Authorize Strike After Outsourced Cafeteria Food Makes Workers Sick
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, November 7, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] San Francisco Hotel Workers Vote Overwhelmingly to Strike After Outsourced Cafeteria Food Makes Workers Sick 96.4% Vote Means BEI Hotel Workers Could Launch Unfair Labor Practice Strike San Francisco, Calif. — Workers at the BEI Hotel San Francisco have voted by 96.4% to authorize a strike […]
Warriors’ Concessions Workers Win “Best Union Contract in the NBA”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, October 2, 2023 Contact: Ted Waechter [email protected] Golden State Warriors’ Food Service Workers Win $7/Hour Wage Increases, Affordable Health Care, and More “Best Contract in the NBA” for Nearly 650 Chase Center Workers, Union Says San Francisco, California – Food service workers at Chase Center voted by 96.4% to ratify their first union contract on […]
Qwick Staffing Company Sued by City of San Francisco
San Francisco is suing Qwick, a staffing company in restaurants and hotels, for denying workers of minimum wages and other benefits. If you or anyone you know has relevant experiences with Qwick, call the City Attorney at (415) 355-3268 or email [email protected]. Statement from Anand Singh, President of UNITE HERE Local 2: “Hospitality workers perform […]
Free one-on-one college counseling
Free one-on-one college counseling and a pathway to game-changing college support for high school juniors. Apply online at before Aug. 31. 免费的1对1大学辅导和一个新规则的大学支持途径。高中11年级学生可在网站上申请。 申请的截止日期为8月31日。 Asesoramiento gratuito y un camino para recibir apoyo que cambiará su experiencia en la universidad. Los estudiantes del tercer año de la high school entregan sus solicitudes en línea en el […]
March with Local 2 in SF Pride!
March with Local 2 in the SF Pride Parade to show that our union will never let hate divide us! Meet at 9:30am on Sunday June 25 at Steuart St. between Mission and Howard. Happy Pride!
Get Reimbursed for Child & Elder Care!
Applications will open soon for the Local 2 Child & Elder Care Plan. Parents may receive financial reimbursement for childcare and youth programs. College-bound teens can receive a coach to assist with college admissions. For those with elderly or disabled relatives, the Plan offers financial reimbursement for caregiving in addition to personalized counseling and referrals […]
Notice: Membership Meeting on June 14
NOTICE: Scheduled membership meeting on Wednesday June 14th, 2023 will be at the Oakland Marriott City Center Hotel at 4:30 pm. Location: 1001 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94607
Good Friday Hours
In observance of Good Friday, Local 2 will be open with reduced hours from 8:30am-12pm on Friday, April 7, 2023. En observancia del Viernes Santo, el Local 2 estará abierto con horario reducido de 8:30 a. m. a 12 p. m. el viernes 7 de abril de 2023. 为纪念耶稣受难日,Local 2 将于 2023 年 4 月 […]
Downpayment Assistance Loan Program
Buy a home with help from the Downpayment Assistance Loan Program (DALP)! You can receive up to $500,000 in down payment assistance toward the purchase of your first market rate home in San Francisco. Buyers must complete homebuyer education (contact and receive a loan pre-approval from a MOHCD-approved lender BEFORE applying. Sign up for a […]