Marriott CEO Arne Sorensen, actions speak louder than words!
Marriott Marquis Housekeeper Larrilou Carrumba speaks out about how the health crisis is impacting her family. She had nearly saved up enough money to move her family out of her sister’s crowded apartment into their own home when the coronavirus hit, making that plan impossible in the near future. Meanwhile, Marriott CEO Arne Sorensen broke his promise to invest in the workers. Marriott bought back $16 BILION in stocks this last decade since Arne signed the pledge making investors richer. To date Marriott has not stopped stock buybacks even at the peak of the pandemic. On March 19th Sorensen promised again to stop the practice of paying stock dividends to investors “for the time being.” He acknowledges that the public is unhappy and in the same breath paid shareholders their “last dividend” on March 31st. But what is Marriott actually going to do? Click here for the full story and stay tuned.